CHAPTER 1 影像顯示原理
作 者:謝寶育、陳泰賓、劉國英、程大川、丁健益、周銘鐘、施政廷、李榮輝、莊濬超、黃詠暉、許士彥、陳東明、劉光筠

CHAPTER 7 看見聲音聽見光-光與聲音在生物醫學的應用
作 者:李百祺、謝寶育

Peer Reviewed Publications
Peer Reviewed Articles
- Bao-Yu Hsieh*, Yu-Chieh Jill Kao, Ning Zhou, Yi-Pei Lin, Yu-Ying Mei, Sung-Yu Chu, Dong-Chuan Wu, “Vascular Responses of Penetrating Vessels during Cortical Spreading Depolarization with Ultrasound Dynamic Ultrafast Doppler Imaging,” Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16:1015843, 2022. (DOI 10.3389/fnins.2022.1015843)
Hemodynamic changes in the whole brain during CSD
The left video (gray scale) shows the time series of power Doppler; the right video shows the time series of ΔCBV (%) coded with red (positive as hyperperfusion) and blue (negative as hypoperfusion), respectively, and co-registered to the power Doppler shown in gray scale.
- Subir Das, Yun-Yu Hsu, Ying-Rue Kao, Bao-Yu Hsieh* and Fu-Jen Kao*, “Time-Resolved Imaging of Ultrasound Waveform with Synchronized Laser Illumination,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 120, 074102, 2022.
Video: Seeing ultrasound
Reflection and transmission phenomena of ultrasound waves
- Jun Tazoe, Chia-Feng Lu, Bao-Yu Hsieh, Cheng-Yu Chen, Yu-Chieh Jill Kao, “Altered diffusivity of the subarachnoid cisterns in the rat brain following neurological disorders,” Biomed J, 2022. (DOI 10.1016/
- Hsien-Jung Chan, Zhuhuang Zhou, Jui Fang, Dar-In Tai, Jeng-Hwei Tseng, Ming-Wei Lai, Bao-Yu Hsieh, Tadashi Yamaguchi, and Po-Hsiang Tsui, “Sample Entropy of Ultrasound Radiofrequency Signals for Parametric Imaging of Hepatic Steatosis,” IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med., 9:1800612, 2021.
- Yu-Chieh Jill Kao, Seu-Hwa Chen, Chia-Feng Lu, Bao-Yu Hsieh, Cheng-Yu Chen, Ying-Chao Chang, Chao-Ching Huang, “Early neuroimaging and ultrastructural correlates of injury outcome after neonatal hypoxic-ischemia,” Brain Communications, 3(2), fcab048, 2021.
- Wei-Huan Xie, Chun-Ting Su, Yu-Chieh Jill Kao, Tung-Hao Chang, Yuan-Jen Chang, Chun-Hsu Yao, and Bao-Yu Hsieh, “Radiotherapy dose characterization of gel dosimetry using shear wave elasticity imaging,” Med. Phys., 47(3), 1404-1410, 2020. (IF: 4.071, Rank: 32/134=24%)
- Y.-C. J. Kao, Y. W. Liu, C.-F. Lu, H.-L. Chen, B.-Y. Hsieh, C.-Y. Chen, “Behavioral and structural effects of single and repeat closed-head injury,” Am. J. Neuroradiol., 40, 601-608, 2019. (IF: 3.825, Rank: 40/134=30%)
- Bao-Yu Hsieh, Shaozhen Song, Thu-Mai Nguyen, Soon Joon Yoon, Tueng T. Shen, Ruikang K. Wang, Matthew O’Donnell, “Moving-source elastic wave reconstruction for high-resolution optical coherence elastography,” J. Biomed. Opt., 21(11), 116006, 2016. (IF: 2.556, Rank: 21/90=23%)
- S. Song, W. Wei, Bao-Yu Hsieh, I. Pelivanov, T. Shen, M. O’Donnell, and R.K. Wang, “Strategies to improve phase-stability of ultrafast swept source optical coherence tomography for single shot imaging of transient mechanical waves at 16 kHz frame rate,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 108(19), 191104, 2016. (IF: 3.515, Rank: 20/136=14%)
- Bao-Yu Hsieh, J. Kim, J. Zhu, S. Li, X. Zhang, and X. Jiang, “A laser ultrasound transducer using carbon nanofibers-polydimethylsiloxane composite thin film,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 106(2), 021902, 2015. (IF: 3.515, Rank: 20/136=14%)
- Li, S. J. Yoon, Bao-Yu Hsieh, W. Tai, M. O’Donnell, and X. Gao, “Stably doped conducting polymer nanoshells by surface initiated polymerization,” Nano Lett., 15(12), 8217-8222, 2015. (IF: 13.592, Rank: 4/80=5%)
- Y. Hung, W.S. Wu, B.Y. Hsieh, and P.C. Li, “Concurrent photoacoustic- ultrasound imaging using single laser pulses,” J. Biomed. Opt., 20(8), 086004, 2015. (IF: 2.859, Rank: 12/86=13%)
- Bao-Yu Hsieh, Sung-Liang Chen, Tao Ling, L. Jay Guo, and Pai-Chi Li, "All-optical scanhead for ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging: imaging-mode switching by dichroic filtering," Photoacoustics, 2(1), 39-46, 2014.
- Bao-Yu Hsieh, Sung-Liang Chen, Tao Ling, L. Jay Guo, and Pai-Chi Li, "All-optical scanhead for ultrasound and photoacoustic dual-modality imaging," Opt. Express, 20(2), 1588-1596, 2012. (IF: 3.525, Rank: 6/83=7%)
- Bao-Yu Hsieh, Sung-Liang Chen, Tao Ling, L. Jay Guo, and Pai-Chi Li, "Integrated intravascular ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging scan head," Opt. Lett., 35(17), 2892-2894, 2010. (IF: 3.416, Rank: 14/92=15%)
- Yae-Lin Sheu, Cheng-Ying Chou, Bao-Yu Hsieh, and Pai-Chi Li, “Image reconstruction in intravascular photoacoustic imaging,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control, 58(10), 2067-2077, 2011. (IF: 1.503, Rank: 12/30=40%)
- H. Lin, H.Y. Chen, C.J. Yu, P.L. Lu, C.H. Hsieh, Bao-Yu Hsieh, Y.F. Chang, C. Chou “Quantitative measurement of binding kinetics in sandwich assay using a fluorescence detection fiber-optic biosensor,” Analytical Biochemistry, 385, 224-228, 2009. (IF: 2.305, Rank: 40/78=51%)
- Bao-Yu Hsieh, Y.F. Chang, Y. Ng, W.C. Liu, C.H. Lin, H.T. Wu, C. Chou “Localized surface plasmon coupled fluorescence fiber optic biosensor with gold nanoparticles,” Anal. Chem., 79, 3487-3493, 2007. (IF : 5.886, Rank: 4/75= 5%)
- Y.F. Chang, T.C. Chang, Y.M. Huang, K.W. Yu, Bao-Yu Hsieh, Y.C. Chung, C. Chou “Fiber Optic Biosensor for the Identification of E. coli in Blood Culture,” Journal of Bionanoscience, 1(2), 117-121, 2007.
Conference Presentations
- W.-C. Hsiao, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Estimation of stiffness change by high intensity focused ultrasound using pulse-inversion shear wave elastography – Phantom study,” IUS, Venice, Italy, 2022.
- S.-Y. Huang, Y.-C. Kao, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Hemodynamic change monitoring and lesion size prediction following stroke by ultrafast Doppler imaging,” IUS, Venice, Italy, 2022. (Student travel grant)
- W.-C. Hsiao, H.-J. Chan, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Pulse-inversion shear wave elastography (PI-SWE) estimation of stiffness change by high intensity focused ultrasound – porcine liver,” GCBME, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022.
- C.-T. Chen, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Enhancement of spine ultrasound image contouring using plane wave angle compounding,” GCBME, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022.
- H.-J. Chan, W.-C. Hsiao, P.-H. Tsui, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Nakagami imaging combined with pulse inversion subtraction for monitoring of continuous HIFU therapy,” GCBME, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022.
- S.-Y. Huang, Y.-C. Kao, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Hemodynamic change monitoring and lesion size prediction following stroke by ultrafast Doppler imaging,” GCBME, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022.
- C.-H. Lu, P.-H. Wu, W.-C. Hsiao, B.-Y. Hsieh, P.-H. Tsui, “Ultrasound synthetic shear-wave elastography of homogeneous scattering media by using the generative adversarial network,” GCBME, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022.
- H.-J. Chan, W.-C. Hsiao, P.-H. Tsui, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Nakagami imaging combined with pulse inversion subtraction for monitoring of continuous HIFU therapy,” AFSUMB, Hyderabad, India, 2022.
- C.-H. Lu, P.-H. Wu, W.-C. Hsiao, B.-Y. Hsieh, P.-H. Tsui, “Ultrasound synthetic shear-wave elastography of homogeneous scattering media by using the generative adversarial network,” AFSUMB, Hyderabad, India, 2022.
- P.-Y. Chan, C.-C. Huang, C.-F. Lu, B.-Y. Hsieh, Y.-C. J. Kao, “Early dynamics of regional volume and tensor metrics following experimental neonatal hypoxic ischemia with different damage outcomes,” The 30th ISMRM., 2022.
- C. Cheng, C.-F. Lu, B.-Y. Hsieh, Y.-C. J. Kao, “Longitudinal dynamic changes in DTI metrics after repetitive mild traumatic brain injury with different interval,” The 30th ISMRM., 2022.
- W.-C. Hsiao, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Pulse-inversion shear wave elastography (PI-SWE) estimation of tissue stiffness change by high intensity focused ultrasound,” The 16th International Symposium on Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2022. (Best oral presentation)
- H.-J. Chan, P.-H. Tsui, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Nakagami imaging combined with pulse inversion subtraction for monitoring of continuous HIFU therapy,” The 16th International Symposium on Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2022.
- P.-Q. Wei, W.-C. Hsiao, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Optimization parameters of ultrasound shear wave elastography-Nonhomogeneous phantom study, The 16th International Symposium on Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2022.
- H.-Y. Shih, W.-C. Hsiao, C.-H. Chiu, Y. Weng, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Ultrasound elastography estimate tongue stiffness during phonation,” The 16th International Symposium on Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2022.
- C.-T. Chen, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Enhancement of spine ultrasound image contouring using plane wave angle compounding,” The 16th International Symposium on Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2022.
- W.-C. Hsiao, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Monitoring of high-intensity focused ultrasound treatment with shear wave elastography,” TSBME, Taichung, 2021. (Best Poster Award)
- S.-Y. Huang, Y.-C. Kao, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Monitoring of vascular response to peri-infarct depolarization (PID) in photothrombotic stroke animal model with ultrasound ultrafast Doppler,” TSBME, Taichung, 2021.
- W.-C. Hsiao, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Local estimation of pulse wave velocity by ultra-fast ultrasound-Phantom study,” TSBME, Taichung, 2021. (Best Poster Award)
- H.-J. Chan, B.-Y. Hsieh, P. H. Tsui, “Ultrasound statistical parametric imaging based on plane wave compounding technique,” TSBME, Taichung, 2021.
- Y.-C. Kao, C.-F. Lu, B.-Y. Hsieh, C.-Y. Chen, C.-C. Huang, “Longitudinal Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Trajectory in Different Severity Outcome Following Experimental Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemia.” The 29th ISMRM. Vancouver, Canada, 2021.
- B.-Y. Hsieh, Y-P. Lin, Y.-Y. Mei, D.-C. Wu, Y.-C. J. Kao, and N. Zhou, “Hemodynamic analysis of single vessel in the cerebral cortex with ultrafast Doppler,” IUS, 2020.
- B.-Y. Hsieh, S.-Y. Huang and Y.-C. J. Kao, “Dose dependent effect of isoflurane on cerebral perfusion in rats with ultrafast Doppler,” IUS, 2020.
- Y.-C. J. Kao and B.-Y. Hsieh, “Monitoring of Vascular Response to Peri-Infarct Depolarization (PID) in Photothrombotic Stroke Animal Model,” IUS, Glasgow, UK, 2019.
- N. Zhou, Y.-C. J. Kao, Y.-Y. Mei, Y.-P. Lin, D.-C. Wu, B.-Y. Hsieh, “Detection of KCl Induced Cortical Spreading Depolarization (CSD) with Dynamic Ultrafast Doppler” IUS, Glasgow, UK, 2019.
- C.-T. Chen and B.-Y. Hsieh, “Ultrasound spinal image with angle compounding imaging technique,” WACBE, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019.
- S.-Y. Huang, Y.-C. J. Kao, and B.-Y. Hsieh, “Exploring brain hemodynamics under different anesthetic level with high sensitive ultrafast Doppler,” WACBE, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019.
- W.-H. Hsieh, C.-T. Su, T.-H. Chang, Y.-J. Chang, C.-H. Yao, and B.-Y. Hsieh, “Radiotherapy dose reading of 3D gel dosimetry with ultrasonic shear wave elasticity imaging,” WACBE, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019.
- Y.-C. J. Kao, J. Tazoe, C.-F. Lu, B.-Y. Hsieh, and C.-Y. Chen, “Difference in tensor metrics between the survived and infarcted penumbra by reperfusion in a rat model of cerebral ischemia,” ISMRM, Montrail, Canada, 2019.
- Y.-C. J. Kao, C.-F. Lu, B.-Y. Hsieh, and C.-Y. Chen, “Connectivity reorganization after repetitive mild traumatic brain injury is impact site associated,” ISMRM, Montrail, Canada, 2019.
- W.-C. Hsiao and B.-Y. Hsieh, “Ultrasound Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging for Carotid Artery-Phantom Study,” 3rd Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2018.
- C.-T. Chen and B.-Y. Hsieh, “Ultrasound Angle Compounding Spinal Image,” 3rd Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2018.
- Y.-C. Kao and B.-Y. Hsieh, “Ultrafast Doppler observation in rat stroke model – Comparison with high field magnetic resonance imaging” International Ultrasonic Symposium (IUS), Kobe, Japan, 2018.
- R.-X. Huang, Y. Fu, W. Liu, Y.-T. Ma, B.-Y. Hsieh, S.-C. Chen, M.-J. Sun, and P.-C. Li, “Dual-wavelength OR-PAM with compressed sensing for cell tracking in a 3D cell culture system,” SPIE Photonics West International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, San Francisco, California, 2018.
- Y.-C. J. Kao, C.-F. Lu, P.-H. Tsai, F.-T. Hsu, B.-Y. Hsieh, and C.-Y. Chen, “Low-frequency fluctuations of resting-state fMRI BOLD signal after experimental mild traumatic brain injury,” Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Paris, Frances, 2018.
- J. Tazoe, Y.-C. J. Kao, C.-F. Lu, P.-H. Tsai, F.-T. Hsu, B.-Y. Hsieh, and C.-Y. Chen, “Alteration in diffusion characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid after neurological disease in rats,” Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Paris, Frances, 2018.
- B.-Y. Hsieh, S. Song, W. Wei, W.-H. Xie, Y.-C. Kao, T. Shen, R. Wang and M. O’Donnell, “Laser-generated shear wave imaging of corneal biomechanics by photoacoustic effect” International Conference on Biomedical Ultrasound, Hong Kong, 2017. (Best poster award)
- W.-H. Xie, and B.-Y. Hsieh, “Non-contact elasticity optical coherence elasticity imaging tool for ophthalmology,” Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 17-18, 2017. (Best poster award)
- M.-M. Tseng, T.-F. Chang, C.-J. Liao, P.-P. Tsai, and B.-Y. Hsieh, “Combination of automated breast volume scanner and digital breast tomosynthesis for breast density analysis” Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 17-18, 2017.
- Y.-C. J. Kao, C.-F. Lu, H.-L. Chen, P.-H. Tsai, F.-T. Hsu, H.-S. Liu, G. A. Lee, P. Blakeley, L.-C. Hsieh, B.-Y. Hsieh, and C.-Y. Chen, “Evolving functional connectivity in rats following mild traumatic brain injury,” The 25th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of ISMRM, Hawaii, USA, 2017.
- Y.-C. J. Kao, C.-F. Lu, H.-L. Chen, P.-H. Tsai, F.-T. Hsu, H.-S. Liu, G. A. Lee, P. Blakeley, L.-C. Hsieh, B.-Y. Hsieh, and C.-Y. Chen, “Behavioral and image evidence for mild traumatic brain injury in rats with the skull helmet,” The 25th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of ISMRM, Hawaii, USA, 2017.
- S. J. Yoon, J. Li, B.-Y. Hsieh, W. Tai, X. Gao, M. O’Donnell, “Highly sensitive magneto-motive photoacoustic imaging using stably doped conducting polymer nanoshells,” SPIE Photonics West International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, San Francisco, California, 2017.
- Jia-Jia Lin, Gen-Jia Chang, Chun-Yi Wu, and Bao-Yu Hsieh, “Preliminary study on synthesis of ultrasound-mediated drug carrier for neutron capture therapy,” The 11th International Symposium of Medical Imaging and Radiological Science, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016. (Best paper award)
- B.-Y. Hsieh, S. Song, T.-M. Nguyen, S. J. Yoon, T. Shen, R. Wang, and M. O’Donnell, “Elasticity imaging of speckle-free tissue regions with moving acoustic radiation force and phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography,” SPIE Photonics West International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, Proc. SPIE, 97101F-5, San Francisco, California, 2016.
- S. Song, B.-Y. Hsieh, W. Wei, T. Shen, M. O’Donnell, and Ruikang K. Wang, “Optical coherence elastography based on high speed imaging of single-shot laser-induced acoustic wave at 16 kHz frame rate,” SPIE Photonics West International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, 96971O-5, San Francisco, California, 2016.
- S. Song, B.-Y. Hsieh, W. Wei, T. Shen, M. O’Donnell, and Ruikang K. Wang, “High speed all optical shear wave imaging optical coherence elastography,” SPIE Photonics West International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, 97100B-1, San Francisco, California, 2016.
- B.-Y. Hsieh, S. Song, T.-M. Nguyen, S. J. Yoon, T. Shen, R. Wang, and M. O’Donnell, “Moving beam shear wave reconstruction for both ultrasound and optical coherence tomography applications,” International Ultrasonic Symposium, 2015.
- S. J. Yoon, B.-Y. Hsieh, C.-W. Wei, T.-M. Nguyen, B. Arnal, I. Pelivanov, and M. O’Donnell, “Optimization of the laser irradiation pattern in a high frame rate integrated photoacoustic / ultrasound (PAUS) imaging system,” International Ultrasonic Symposium, 2015.
- S.-Y. Hung, B.-Y. Hsieh, and P.-C. Li, “Optical generation of narrowband high frequency ultrasound”, SPIE Photonics West International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, San Francisco, California, Proc. SPIE, 8943, 89432Z, 2014.
- S.-Y. Hung, B.-Y. Hsieh, and P.-C. Li, “Optical generation of frequency adjustable ultrasound with multilayer structure”, Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2013.
- B.-Y. Hsieh, S.-Y. Hung, S.-L. Chen, T. Lin, L.-J. Guo and P.-C. Li, “All-optical ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging probes”, International Conference on Biomedical Ultrasound (ICBMU), Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.
- B.-Y. Hsieh, S.-L. Chen, T. Ling, L.-J. Guo and P.-C. Li, “All-optical transducer for ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging by dichroic filtering”, International Ultrasonic Symposium, Dresden, Germany, October 7-10, 1410-1413, 2012.
- B.-Y. Hsieh and P.-C. Li, “Real-time intravascular ultrasound/photoacoustic imaging system with omni-directional light excitation”, SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, San Francisco, California, January 21-26, 2012.
- B.-Y. Hsieh, S.-L. Chen, T. Ling, L.-J. Guo and P.-C. Li, “All-optical generation and detection of acoustic waves for intravascular ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging”, International Ultrasonic Symposium, Orlando, Florida, October 18-21, 2011.
- B.-Y. Hsieh and P.-C. Li, “All-optical ultrasound/photoacoustic transducer for intravascular imaging”, Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., August 19-20, 2011. (Best Paper Award)
- B.-Y. Hsieh, S.-L. Chen, T. Ling, L.-J. Guo and P.-C. Li, “Design and fabrication of an integrated intravascular ultrasound/photoacoustic scan head,” SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, San Francisco, California, January 23-28, 2010.
- S.-L. Sheu, C.-Y. Chou, B.-Y. Hsieh and P.-C. Li, “Application of limited-view image reconstruction method to intravascular photoacoustic tomography”, SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, San Francisco, California, January 23-28, 2010.
- B.-Y. Hsieh, Y.-H. Chuang and P.-C. Li, “Development of IVPA/IVUS imaging technologies and investigation on ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis(3/3)”, Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 10-11, 2010.
- B.-Y. Hsieh and P.-C. Li, “Design and fabrication of integrated intravascular ultrasound / photoacoustic probe”, Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 11-12, 2009. (Best Paper Award)
- B.-Y. Hsieh, S.-C. Chen and P.-C. Li, “Development of IVPA/IVUS imaging technologies and investigation on ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis (2/3)”, Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 11-12, 2009.
- B.-Y. Hsieh, S.-C. Chen, and P.-C. Li, “Development of IVPA/IVUS imaging technologies and investigation on ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis”, International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 12-13, 2008.
- Y.-F. Chang, B.Y. Hsieh, H.Y. Chen, M.Y. Ng, W.C. Liu, Y.C. Chung, H.T. Wu, C. Chou “Sensitivity enhancement of fiber-optic biosensor by localized surface plasmon-coupled emission with gold nanoparticles,” Proceedings of SPIE, 6447, 64470R, 2007.
- H.-T. Wu, Y.L. Chen, Y.C. Huang, W.C. Liu, M.Y. Ng, Y.F. Chang, B.Y. Hsieh, C. Chou “Colloid-gold nanoparticle enhanced detection sensitivity of paired surface plasma waves biosensor,” Proceedings of SPIE, 6447, 64470S, 2007.
- Y.-F. Chang, R.C. Chen, Y.C. Li, C.J. Yu, B.Y. Hsieh, C. Chou “Alpha-fetoprotein Detection by Using a Localized Surface Plasmon Coupled Fluorescence Fiber-Optic Biosensor,” Proceedings of SPIE, 6826, 68261B, 2007.
- C. Chou, H.T. Wu, C.J. Yu, Y.F. Chang, and B.Y. Hsieh “Fiber-optic biosensor for antigen antibody kinetic assays,” SPIE Newsroom paper, 2007.
- “醫療影像對位方法”,謝寶育、黃宗祺、陳賢德、陳佑旻、劉羿晟,中華民國專利I683286號 (2020/01/21公告)。
- “医用画像アライメント法”,謝寶育、黃宗祺、陳賢德,日本專利特許証第6792904號
- “An image generation system”, P.-C. Li and B.-Y. Hsieh, US Patent number 9,039,622, 2015/05/26.
- “影像生成系統” ,李百祺、謝寶育,中華民國專利I459015號 (2014/11/01公告)。
- “Imaging probe”, P.-C. Li and B.-Y. Hsieh, US Patent number 8,262,576, 2012/09/11.
- “影像探頭”,李百祺、謝寶育,中華民國專利I402054號(2013/7/21公告)。
- Subir Das, Yun-Yu Hsu, Ying-Rue Kao, Bao-Yu Hsieh* and Fu-Jen Kao*, “Time-Resolved Imaging of Ultrasound Waveform with Synchronized Laser Illumination,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 120, 074102, 2022.
- Subir Das, Yun-Yu Hsu, Ying-Rue Kao, Bao-Yu Hsieh* and Fu-Jen Kao*, “Time-Resolved Imaging of Ultrasound Waveform with Synchronized Laser Illumination,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 120, 074102, 2022.